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Vacula Brake Bleed 18-0051

Using compressed air, the built-in venturi system creates a powerful vacuum that is used to bleed and flush the hydraulic brakes and clutches. Universal use - no special adapters needed....

Vacula Voltcheck with Free CD and Hat 82-0000

The Volt Check DC is a test instrument that indicates and finds open circuits by tracing powered or nonpowered wires in cars, trucks or other vehicles. It consists of two...

Vacula Valve Core Torque Set 72-088-0020

A calibrated valve core installer and torque tool A calibrated precision torque tool - a must for the TPMS valves to maintain proper pressure Both a core remover and precise...

Vacula 4" Fixed Bent Tube Blower 72-020-1050

With nozzles & other accessories it can be used to clean bores, tubes, hoses, surfaces & much more. It can even be upgraded to a sprayer for cleaning liquids &...

Vacula Brake Caliper Rescue Tool 12-080-1000

• Frees up frozen bleeder valves for easy removal • A must for brake work and brake fluid flushing • Keeps shop from turning flushing jobs away due to frozen...